How to make an offer that will be heard: sales cold call template

Honesty, benefit and proactiveness of the salesperson. These are the criteria that are trending to create quality offers in cold calls. If the conversation has already started, it is important not to lose the thread of the conversation, to make an offer which will be interesting. And most importantly, that offer will almost always be considered by the potential buyer.

To formulate an honest, profitable and trendy offer, you should learn to communicate with interest, speak somewhat emotionally, but to the point. Read more about how to compose a competent and high-quality address for a cold call in the review We will clarify a few details that you should also be aware of.

Intrigue, but not too much, talk to the point, but not too dry.

To catch the “golden mean” during the dialogue is difficult enough. It requires experience and knowledge. But it is important to try to be frank and intriguing at the same time. There are a few caveats.

Do not offer enticing financial or other opportunities, especially if they are backed by numbers with three or more zeros. Such offers are more like an attempt to manipulate in some way, rather than offering a good deal. Also, avoid using triggers that relate exclusively to the emotional realm and are more about direct profit rather than thinking:

  • we have “an exceptional, unique product and it’s not available anywhere else in the world.”
  • insist that the offer is only valid while you’re talking;
  • offer a discount of 50 percent or more.

All such and similar “enticing” offers are repulsive because they clearly look like manipulation. And if they work, it will only work with a limited range of potential users.

Designate interest, speak plainly and simply

It’s important to outline the scope of your interest and benefit to the potential buyer. You can suggest the following formula for the dialogue: “I have a few minutes to offer you something special, something that will be useful and beneficial to you. And you can make a decision after thinking it over.” This approach implies freedom of action, which is what the user is counting on.

Another version of the proposal: “I know what you do in (specify a specific type of business). So, our offer is very specific and can be competitive compared to your regular suppliers. I understand that we must earn your trust, so try to listen to our main advantages. And you can decide either now or in a while. I won’t call you again if you strongly decline our dialogue. But I do think we could benefit your business. And we could make more money by offering a quality and more optimally priced product/service.”